Monday, December 1, 2014

Dragon Age: Inqusition

Forgoe every notion you have about video game trilogy's. Dragon Age: Inquisition easily breaks the mold as one of the strongest 3rd title games in a franchise...ever. Dragon Age has certainly had its identifiable strengths and weaknesses throughout it's first two titles. Bioware knows how to write a story and create in-depth dialogue. Vast worlds are also Bioware's forte, i.e. Mass Effect, and that could not be truer in Dragon Age: Inquisition..

Something always felt a little off about the first two Dragon Age titles. They had the make up of a successful title but just never quite broke out as a superior game. Historically, the 3rd movie or game in a franchise has always been held in the most critical light.  However, I feel that Inquisition has the formula necessary to stand out as one of the greatest games, if not the best game, of 2014.

Inquisition is massive. Let me get that out there immediately. Within the first 10+ hours of this game you are going to feel immersed, if not completely lost, in this game. The world has a Skyrim-esque feel to it. The landscape is beautiful and plentiful. When you're not questing and adventuring to save the world, you find yourself admiring it. To date, Inquisition is easily one of the best graphically looking games. If you are the gamer that takes stock into graphics and environment, you wont want to miss this one.

Inquisition's gameplay is by far the best of the three Dragon Age titles. The flow of combat feels so natural with a constant 4 person party. Having immediate control of any party member with the push of a button is easy and consistent monitoring of their equipment and abilities give you strategical advantages in combat. The capability of pre-determining abilities in combat is an option if you're one to not take risk in given situations, which gives an entirely new dimension to DA. As far as next-gen is concerned, Inquisition sets the tone for fluent RPG gameplay.

Inquisition really only suffers in one area; multiplayer. Multiplayer is finally an option for a game with so much potential for it. However, instead of entering a game with your friends to show off how strong your main character is, you are restricted to using a pre-generated base character if you have "collected" it in game. Also, your only option in multiplayer is to run through random "missions" in order to collect gold to buy equipment and level up your character. Multiplayer has been entirely restricted in this game to feel more like a D&D dungeon crawler and much less like its DA campaign brother.

Overall, Dragon Age:Inquisition makes a strong case for a Game of the Year title. The world is massive and immersive, the quests are exceedingly bountiful, the gameplay is sleek and addictingly fun. Multiplayer is a new addition, albeit it isn't nearly as fun as the campaign, but its hardly a deal breaker. So, Is it Worth? Yes. Regardless of platform, I would highly recommend Dragon Age: Inqusition to any RPG fan out there. Don't be surprised if you see this as a candidate for GOTY, and remember who staked that claim!

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