Monday, November 24, 2014

Big Hero 6

Marvel has dominated the silver screen recently, due in large part to their acquisition from Disney. Speaking of Disney, Big Hero 6 is the first true adaption of a Marvel series by Disney to film that has been transformed from its original design. Big Hero 6 was originally a Marvel comic book series staring such characters as Silver Samurai, made famous by his feud with Wolverine. The series is not entirely well known, so, Disney used this to their advantage in order to make a movie that they could claim as an original design. Up front, you cannot argue that Disney has nailed animation. It has seriously gotten to the point where the facial features and motions by the characters in the movie can be described as human-like. If anything, the movie can be enjoyed by this facet alone. The animation throughout the movie is just fantastic, regardless of the premise or plot. Without going into great detail (as this is just a review not a synopsis), Bay Max, the leading role robot character, is an instant hit with audiences. He is a loveable, approachable, albeit aloof character that is designed for healing and love. This already has the makings of a classic Disney film, however, there is the yang to the yin in this movie. The movie does contain a lot of action and graphic violence, it is, afterall, a "super hero" movie. I found myself engrossed in the emotion of the characters in their reason for fighting. In order to truly understand the plight of the protagonist, one must be able to relate on some level, which I think we all can. As corny as the supporting cast is, they are certainly memorable characters that drive the story along. The story is, not of a typical Disney variety but it does cause some feels during the show which has become Disney's niche. All in all, this is certainly a family film that can be enjoyed at any time. The 2+ hour time slot goes quickly while the heroes do battle. If you're ok with little ones experiencing violence, then the movie has nothing but joy otherwise to enjoy. Is It Worth? Absolutely. $8 for an evening out for laughs with the family. Can't ask for more than that. Disney and Marvel are quickly proving they are the kings of the Big Screen and that ain't changing soon.

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